The aim of this study was to evaluate the daily total locomotor activity in captive Chrysocyon brachyurus. Three maned wolves were housed individually under natural light–dark cycle and environmental conditions. In each animal, locomotor activity was monitoored for 30 days by means of an activity data logger (Actiwatch Cambridge©Neurotechnology, Cambridge, UK), applied on a neck collar. Locomotor activity was evaluated by visual inspection of actograms. The average amount of activity during light and dark phases and Cosine 20 Peak were calculated using Actiwatc Activity Analysis 5.06. Subject A was more active during the light phase, and subjects B and C were more active during the dark phase. The single cosinor method applied on the amount of activity recorded every hour showed a daily rhythm of locomotor activity only in subject B (2 years old). Acrophase was observed between 03:20 and 07:30, and robustness had a value between 37.00% and 63.40%. Only one subject due to their early withdrawal from its natural habitat, developed a manifest anthropic dependence, with a marked adaptation to the habitat of captivity presenting an anthropophilic behavior. This study would help to define more appropriate management and conservation strategies for this emblematic mammal of South America.

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Journal: Biological Rhythm Research. 2021 Mar 16;52(3):454-61

Keywords: daily rhythm, dog, locomotor activity, maned wolves, natural photoperiod, veterinary,

Applications: Veterinary,

CamNtech Reference: AM21004

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